Backpack EXPEDICE, medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack EXPEDICE, medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack EXPEDICE, medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack EXPEDICE, medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)
Backpack medium size (65-75 liters)

Backpack EXPEDICE, medium size (65-75 liters)

2 Reviews

Backpack EXPEDICE is ranked among medium-sized backpacks (65-75 liters) and has been produced since 2016.

Based on the experience of your users, we are constantly modernizing it and improving its utility properties. The backpack is sewn in a classic style and comes with one upper and two additional pockets.

The whole backpack is equipped with MOLLE system and allows maximum modularity and interchangeability of individual elements. The backpack can be ordered in four colors.

  • Sand (coyote)
  • Khaki
  • PenCott Green Zone
  • MultiCAM
1 Item

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Backpack EXPEDICE is ranked among medium-sized backpacks (65-75 liters) and has been produced since 2016.

Based on the experience of your users, we are constantly modernizing it and improving its utility properties. The backpack is sewn in a classic style and comes with one upper and two additional pockets.

The whole backpack is equipped with MOLLE system and allows maximum modularity and interchangeability of individual elements. The backpack can be ordered in four colors.

Key advantages

  • optimum volume for most loads of 65-75 liters
  • main compartment (35-40 liters), two pockets of 10 liters (20 liters), upper part of the backpack with three cargo pockets (10-15 liters)
  • optimal division for weight distribution
  • low weight (about 2.8 kg in the presence of all elements)
  • fully adjustable straps, including chest and shoulder straps
  • reinforced bottom and side walls
  • tightening straps for retrieving (compression) things in the main compartment
  • system of lateral tightening and mooring belts for attaching other needs (tents, sleeping systems, tactical accessories, climbing needs, radio stations or weapons)
  • MOLLE interface all over the backpack to attach many other accessories
  • precise workmanship and high variability that easily adapts to any task and environment
  • made of very durable material

Technical parameters

  • total volume 65-75 liters
  • side pockets 2x10 liters (20 liters)
  • upper pocket 10-15 liters
  • weight approximately 2.8kg (6,173 lb) when installing all parts

Supplied colors

  • Sand (COYOTE)
  • Green (KHAKI) 
  • Camouflage (MultiCAM)
  • Camouflage (PenCott GREEN ZONE)


Package contain

  • 1 pc Backpack EXPEDICE, according to the chosen color

Tactical EVO products are a great choice for your work and hobby.

Product Details

1 Item

Reviews (2)

2 Reviews

Super backpack
Perfect size, super design and functionalirty. very universal!
By Pietro5826 on 04/29/2020

Batoh 65-75 litrů
Batoh jsem hledal dlouho a tenhle je naprostá pecka. Tolik prostoru a možnost vše nakonfigurovat je neskutečná. Původně jsem byl nedůvěřivý a rozhodnutý ho v případě potřeba vrátit, ale tohle je opravdu perfektní batoh, kterému není co vytknout.
By Jakub on 04/24/2020

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